Saturday 5 January 2008

Why do they attack us?

Thanks to Barnsley BNP for the following;

Left Wing Hatred

It has been noticeable in the last few months that the attacks on the BNP have greatly intensified, sadly from ex-members not only the extreme left, to the point where they are now even exceeding the extremely vicious media assault on our Party before the 2004 Euro Elections. These earlier attacks were launched in the hope of completely destroying the Party; wiping it off the face of the Earth, so that in the words of a certain left wing Barnsley MP it would be ‘just a footnote in history’. However this time the attacks are for another reason. This time it’s the left’s impotent fury at their inability to stem the growth of the BNP that is driving the attacks.But just because these people obviously feel such intense hatred for our Party, and just because they express their hatred using terms of abuse that go far beyond any normal civilised discourse, does not automatically make them right. Some people may be fooled into thinking that they must be right because of the strength of their feelings, but the intensity of their hatred does not in any way validate their arguments. These are still just their own points of view. Their own opinions. In fact they appear to loath and detest us to such an extreme degree that a visit to a psychiatrist might be in order. They obviously have some serious mental abnormality which is causing them major distress.However the general public are by now used to the most foul and vile insults being hurled at the BNP by the media and their left wing friends. It’s not new any more. But they may also be noticing a lack of substance to the allegations of thuggery from the Party. Where are all the victims of BNP violence? Where are all the ethnic minority people beaten black and blue by marauding gangs of BNP members? They seem to be very thin on the ground - in fact even that’s an exaggeration - there aren’t any!The problem for the left is that their rhetoric is self-defeating. According to them we are all idiots with barely a brain cell between us; intellectually deficient hate-filled morons, knuckle dragging dim-witted Neanderthals etc, etc. But if this was the case how is it then that we have the intelligence and organisation to stand candidates in elections year after year, and to conduct campaigns and win votes in these elections year after year. It just doesn’t add up, and sooner or later people are going to realise this.Let’s look at things from the left wing point of view. They imagine a world where people of all races and creeds are able to live side by side in perfect love and harmony. But because historically speaking this has never happened before anywhere else in the world, they imagine that a new type of human being has developed in the last 40 years. One with a much higher degree of tolerance and respect towards people of other races; which has not been the case in the past.The left wing want to believe that their own time is special, a turning point for humanity, and is not just a single point in human history that stretches back thousands of years into the past, and forwards thousands of years into the future. Whilst it is certainly true that human beings do develop and improve over time, for example in ancient Rome Christians being thrown to lions was considered as entertainment, it is hard to believe that human nature could have reversed itself in only 40 years.No, unfortunately for the left their dreams of universal racial harmony are just that, Dreams. This link – – is a review of an academic book with the title ‘The Anatomy of Ethnic Conflict’.This link - - is an academic paper entitled ‘Ethnic Conflict and its Management – A Position Paper’.It would be nice to think that left wingers would read these papers and realise that their position is hopelessly misguided, however we know they won’t. We know that we will have to keep on fighting them until we win.