Saturday 26 January 2008

Time to stand proud

As we all know, there is a rising tide of crime and violence that is spreading itself like some creeping disease across Britain. Not only have we our own home-grown problems, but the Government insists on importing more. From within the squalor filled inner city area to the quietist corners of the countryside, people seem to have lost respect in themselves and their surroundings; they have lost their way in this modern world.
Even though the world around us is rushing headlong towards its own destruction, the BNP seems to be developing more self discipline and respect, which is what, is needed if it is to continue to survive and grow. However the cards are still stacked against us, as many brain-washed fellow Britons still see the BNP as a threat to their own peace of mind, and daily we still encounter their residual prejudices. But with every deal of the cards our hand is getting stronger. Perhaps one day in the not to distant future others will look to us to find some sort of order in their own lives.
The face of Britain as we know it is changing, as is the world at large. We must make changes ourselves to meet this new world However there is a tendency in some quarters to take the attitude that such changes cannot affect us and whatever happens we in the BNP will remain the same. I am afraid that view is sadly wrong and to think like that is a trap. We must continue to become more organised and aware of the world in which we operate in, or we will not be here in twenty years time to do anything about it.
If we are to preserve our hereditary way of life we must stand up and be counted, and be willing to fight to preserve it. This can be done in a number of ways, most importantly by joining and becoming active in your local BNP group and convincing your colleagues to help by affiliating to the local BNP group.
The Government will continue to play on people’s fears and paranoia about anything that is different to current mainstream society, and use misinformation and public prejudice in an attempt to maintain a world of their own, where they can remain unchallenged in order to drive us all down any path they choose.
We must do all we can to stop the rot, by being a strong person, by doing something different from the herd.
You already have made a statement of individuality by joining the BNP. Don’t ever lose faith, fight to preserve this simple freedom and support others who are doing the same. If there is no organised group in your area then stand up and start one! We will give you all the help and guidance that we can, so we can hopefully build a better future for ourselves and our children and give life to some of the freedoms we are in danger of losing.
Don’t leave it to someone else, join our growing band of brothers and set up a group in your own hometown, our time is now!
